Patients' Heartfelt Stories
The Doctor Of Joy and Energy
There is nothing greater in this world than Love. If we Love we have it all. I am lucky enough to Love. I am lucky enough to know Love. Love brings our friends to us and us to our friends. In times we can help, we help. It’s a cycle. And I am fortunate enough to know, for just shy of my entire life, a friend who helped me. Meriel, told me about a book, about Traditional Chinese Medicine, in that book it discussed how Chinese Medicine techniques can wildly help Scleroderma, maybe even send it into remission. Maybe even make it go away. I happen to have that passenger, Scleroderma, sitting in the backseat of my body’s car. Meriel, called to make an appointment for me with Dr. Joy Yang, a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor in Blacksburg, Virginia. One of the best, and I am now sure one of the best in the whole entire world. Of course, Meriel discovered I had to make my own appointment, so I did. And many. All thanks Meriel’s love and belief in my healing and of course my own belief as well. Dr. Joy Yang, a wonderful sister/aunt/stranger/doctor/healer/magic maker/scientist/ friend I did not know I had. Until I knew. On my first meeting I felt it was going to be something special. Don’t get me wrong, I was nervous, unsure, unprepared but very much willing. On the wall in her office there is a sign that reads roughly: 1/3 the doctor, 1/3 the patient and 1/3 the creator. And that is the team that makes the healing happen. So it began, and I began to just trust, trust the doctor, trust the creator and trust myself, that I am/was repairing. Through this trust and an open heart the deep energy work that Dr. Yang applies with acupuncture and other means, not understood by me, but enjoyed by me, our bodies, minds and spirits are able to not only physically get better but emotionally open. Thereby we are able to begin putting back together all the pieces of our beings beautiful puzzle. The old open wounds are finally able to form scars. It’s amazing, in fact, so amazing I am not describing the magnitude of immense power, energy and health I felt during the healings with Dr. Yang and since. In one of my sessions, Dr. Yang was doing acupuncture and I felt as if there was a key put into my back and turned. Out from the door that key opened was every single thing, I never wanted to remember again. There it all was in the room right next to me. Every bad experience from birth to sixteen. It was horrible. It was terrifying. I left that day and sat in the parking lot for a hour allowing the rest of my body to process out those heavy emotional bodies. I wrote, I drew and I wrote some more, all those memories that flooded out into the room. I was all the feelings at once. Then release. Freedom from the old garbage, allowing the light to seep back in, allowing the energy to flow again through those areas of stagnation. Each time I went back to the clinic more layers of emotion, more layers of memory, more layers of feeling moved, the energy in my body moved, my physical body began to heal, my emotional and light body began to heal. Since, I’ve held up my 1/3 of the bargain, do the work, put myself back together, follow the Doctor’s orders, do that work, and the final 1/3 is a mystery, but maybe the creator noticed little me going through the process of growth and renewal. I was given this gift. A lesson in Love, that I hope someday to repay to someone else. Until then, I will share my chicken’s eggs, vegetables from the garden, and hot cups of tea. Come over. We’ll sit awhile in the sun and watch the birds. Love.