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Patients' Heartfelt Stories

The Doctor Of Joy and Energy


There is nothing greater in this world than Love. If we Love we have it all. I am lucky enough to Love. I am lucky enough to know Love. Love brings our friends to us and us to our friends. In times we can help, we help. It’s a cycle. And I am fortunate enough to know, for just shy of my entire life, a friend who helped me.  Meriel, told me about a book, about Traditional Chinese Medicine, in that book it discussed how Chinese Medicine techniques can wildly help Scleroderma, maybe even send it into remission. Maybe even make it go away. I happen to have that passenger, Scleroderma, sitting in the backseat of my body’s car. Meriel, called to make an appointment for me with Dr. Joy Yang, a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor in Blacksburg, Virginia. One of the best, and I am now sure one of the best in the whole entire world. Of course, Meriel discovered I had to make my own appointment, so I did. And many. All thanks Meriel’s love and belief in my healing and of course my own belief as well. ​Dr. Joy Yang, a wonderful sister/aunt/stranger/doctor/healer/magic maker/scientist/ friend I did not know I had. Until I knew. On my first meeting I felt it was going to be something special. Don’t get me wrong, I was nervous, unsure, unprepared but very much willing. On the wall in her office there is a sign that reads roughly: 1/3 the doctor, 1/3 the patient and 1/3 the creator. And that is the team that makes the healing happen. ​So it began, and I began to just trust, trust the doctor, trust the creator and trust myself, that I am/was repairing. Through this trust and an open heart the deep energy work that Dr. Yang applies with acupuncture and other means, not understood by me, but enjoyed by me, our bodies, minds and spirits are able to not only physically get better but emotionally open. Thereby we are able to begin putting back together all the pieces of our beings beautiful puzzle. The old open wounds are finally able to form scars. It’s amazing, in fact, so amazing I am not describing the magnitude of immense power, energy and health I felt during the healings with Dr. Yang and since. In one of my sessions, Dr. Yang was doing acupuncture and I felt as if there was a key put into my back and turned. Out from the door that key opened was every single thing, I never wanted to remember again. There it all was in the room right next to me. Every bad experience from birth to sixteen. It was horrible. It was terrifying. I left that day and sat in the parking lot for a hour allowing the rest of my body to process out those heavy emotional bodies. I wrote, I drew and I wrote some more, all those memories that flooded out into the room. I was all the feelings at once. Then release. Freedom from the old garbage, allowing the light to seep back in, allowing the energy to flow again through those areas of stagnation.​ Each time I went back to the clinic more layers of emotion, more layers of memory, more layers of feeling moved, the energy in my body moved, my physical body began to heal, my emotional and light body began to heal. Since, I’ve held up my 1/3 of the bargain, do the work, put myself back together, follow the Doctor’s orders, do that work, and the final 1/3 is a mystery, but maybe the creator noticed little me going through the process of growth and renewal. I was given this gift. A lesson in Love, that I hope someday to repay to someone else. Until then, I will share my chicken’s eggs, vegetables from the garden, and hot cups of tea. Come over. We’ll sit awhile in the sun and watch the birds. ​Love.

The vice president at Virginia Tech, Dr. Patty Perillo share her experiences

The vice president at Virginia Tech, Dr. Patty Perillo share her experiences

Dr. Patty Perillo was the vice president at Virginia Tech, and she is going to be the vice president of the University of Maryland in 2020. Before she leave Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, she shared her experiences : Hi, my name is Dr. Dr. Patty Perillo and I was the former vice president for student affairs at Virginia Tech and I'm really excited and honored to tell you about Dr. joy yang. I have been a patient of hers for some time and it was important for me to meet with her and spend time with her. Partly for my own health and well-being, but certainly because I continue to advocate for my students and my faculty and staff that they have to take care of themselves in order to be well, and I wanted to role model that and engage in that practice. I initially came to her because I hurt my knee and I was in a lot of pain. But after spending time with her, and I leaving here much healthier than with just a fixed knee. She not only helped me understand the symptoms of the pain, but the source of the pain. She not only treated me physically, but in her practice she helps treat me and others physically, emotionally, spiritually! Because she has a integrated approach that really looks at the whole person, not just the person's symptoms, but the totality of that person's experience. She is a competent and well-trained doctor. She learned at one of the best medical centers (TCM Universities), medical hospitals in China. And she also studied here at Virginia Tech for some time. but not only is she cognitively intellectually brilliant, she is intuitively connected to people and nature, she spiritually connected as well. so as a result, she is a healer, she heals people from the inside out! More importantly for me, she helps to teach people how to heal themselves. She's got this beautiful model of health and well-being which is important to me. My PhD is in public and community health and so I've studied this for a long time myself. and so I studied her work. and so she helps people move from places of pain and sickness the places of health, and then once one gets healthier, she helps you move to a place of greater well-being! So I came to her some time ago feeling sick and hurt, and I'm leaving my time with her feeling well more connected emotionally, spiritually, and physically! So if you are committed to your own health and well-being I encourage you to come visit her here in the corporate Research Center on the outskirts of Virginia Tech's campus. She is an extraordinary human being, a brilliant doctor and a terrific healer!!! 弗吉尼亚理工大学的副校长Patricia Perillo博士,下面是她的分享。(这是中文翻译)   嗨,我是Patty Perillo博士,我是弗吉尼亚理工州立大学副校长,主管学生事务。我很高兴和荣幸地向您介绍杨欢医生。我在她那里看病有一段时间了,对我来说,与她相处的时光很重要。部分原因是为了我自己的健康,另一部分是为全校的师生员工们做出一个好的榜样。因为我一直提倡他们注意健康。我想树立榜样并参与其中实践。 我最初来找她的原因是我膝盖受伤,感到非常痛苦。通过治疗后,我膝盖好多了。她不仅帮助解除疼痛的症状,而且帮助去掉了疼痛的根源。她不仅仅只是治疗身体的问题,而且帮助我和其他人全方位的提升,在身体,心理情感和内在精神上!因为她采用的是整体治疗方法,从整体性上真正看待整个人,而不仅仅是看人的症状。 她是一位有称职且训练有素的医生。她在中国最好的医疗中心之一训练(成都中医药大学),医院学习。她也还是弗吉尼亚理工大学学习毕业的。她不仅非常聪明具有才智,而且在人与自然之间有着直觉上的联系,在精神上也有着联系。因此,她是一名愈疗者,(不仅仅是医者),她从内而外地医治了人们!对我而言,更重要的是,她帮助教人们如何自愈。 她创建的一套很美的健康愈疗拥模式,对我很重要。我的博士学位是公共卫生和社区卫生,因此我自己对此进行了很长时间的研究。所以我也研究了她的工作。她帮助人们从痛苦和疾病的地方到健康的地方,当人们变得健康后,她就又会帮助您到更健康幸福的方向发展!因此,我前段时间找她时感到疼痛和生病,现在却感觉自己在身体,心理情感,和精神上都更紧密联系成一个更健康的整体了! 因此,如果您想要拥有健康幸福,我鼓励您来弗吉尼亚理工大学校园共同研究中心来拜访她。她是一个非凡的人,一个出色的医生和一个了不起的愈疗者!
From Agony to Ecstasy: My Shingles Healed, Rashes Vanished, and Pain Disappeared

From Agony to Ecstasy: My Shingles Healed, Rashes Vanished, and Pain Disappeared

Register by following this link for more information: Working with Dr Joy has been incredible! I am very thoughtful about the practitioners I have chosen to work with and after much research, felt as though Dr Joy could help me. I currently drive 2 hours each way for my appointments as I could not find a practitioner who could help me locally. I have dealt with Lyme and also began seeing her last Fall for recurring Shingles. I had experienced Shingles previously (I am only 32), during a time of stress, and it popped up again in the Fall with that familiar rash and nerve pain. My body was so full of toxins that I was so tired, had trouble sleeping, my emotions felt all over the place, and the rash that had initially started on my sides began extending up over my chest, covered my whole upper left arm, low back, and down onto my thighs. The rash was THE WORST, not feeling comfortable wearing clothes, always feeling like I had to manage it - like an invisible prison. I have, for the longest time, experienced low body temp (around 97) with cold hands and feet. I also had dealt with neck pain that I would manage with massage. After my first appointment with Dr Joy, my neck pain disappeared! It took some time and dedication working through Shingles, but after 4-5 months the nerve pain was gone and my rash was almost completely better. I’m going on 8/9 months working with Dr Joy now and feels as though my body is sorting through everything. I am warmer now (98 degrees!), my sleep is deeper, I feel lighter. I frequently nap during my sessions and every session can be different as she tailors her care to your needs. Appointments never feel rushed. We have incorporated cupping, acupuncture, moxibustion, herbs, ear seeds, movement, and diet change into my care. Dr Joy not only treats you at your session, but she can provide you with the tools needed to continue care at home in-between sessions which has been so helpful. Dr Joy is the best acupuncturist I have worked with and I have experienced immediate shifts in my body as she makes adjustments through our sessions. She is thoughtful, kind, & wise. I appreciate the teamwork aspect of her care as she really listens to you, believes what you are experiencing, and then moves into action to support your body with what it needs. If you have experienced a lack of support with western medicine, feel as though you are a complex case, or are just wanting to improve your quality of life, please see Dr Joy and experience the expertise she has within Chinese medicine!
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